Thursday, July 11, 2013

Business is going...

I've always been really sporadic about my blogging.  I sit down at the keyboard ready to type and then my brain just sputters.  Nothing to say, and nothing that will change the course of civilization as we know it.  There's a lot of over-sharing and I am terrified of being one of those people.  Don't get me wrong, I do have thoughts that I perceive as good and maybe something I'd like to throw out there into the universe.  But determining what's worth putting out there and what should go into my mind's recycle bin is difficult.  

At any rate, I figured I would chit-chat, minus either the chit or the chat.  There has to be more than one person to chit-chat, so I guess I'm just talking. Okay, so that's how I'll word it.  Why not just delete that first sentence you ask?  I dunno.

So business is going. I've gotten 8 orders, which is fantastic.  I've been surprised that I've mostly sold handmade tags.  I just kind of started making them on a whim and here I am, selling tags.  My kids joke around and sing along to Macklemore's song, "Mom's gonna make some tags..."  And they do a little dance and it's all funny, but seriously-I really am going to make some tags.  It's pretty  much all I do now.  I was lucky enough last night to get a customer who wanted to order a very large quantity of tags, which is awesome.  Every order gives me some hope that my new little business will work out and that maybe one day, I'll be successful.  

As usual, whenever I get a new customer, I'm terrified that I'll send them something that wasn't what they expected.  I know a lot of businesses are okay with that, as long as they get their money.  But I actually want to make people happy and make a living.  I know it can be done, but it's slow-going.  Getting my name out there is hard, and I've never been a social butterfly so my network consists of people I know on Facebook.  Pinterest has been pretty awesome.  So, I'm learning that I am going to have to learn how to tackle social media.  

And that's why I'm here online blogging.  I need to find some way to push myself out of my comfort zone. My comfort zone socially, would be defined as me in a cave, or cowering in a hole hoping no one sees me.  So I've got some work to do.

Other than social media, I'm hoping that people who order from me are able to tell that I put a lot of work into everything I make and I never send out an order that I wouldn't want to get in the mail.  I'm crossing my fingers and thinking happy thoughts that people recognize that and either make that leap to order from me for the first time, and that I'm able to get repeat customers.

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